August Monthly Medal
It was a close contest this month, with 3 players finishing on nett 70. It was Chris Stoker who had the best back nine, starting with a Birdie on the 10th and Pars on 15 and 16 to claim the Medal on a count back. Congratulations to Chris, who has now won 3 Monthly Medals in the past 13 months.
Drouin Family Hotel Challenge
Craig Stevens still holds on to his lead in the Family Hotel Challenge. Chris Stoker has jumped into 2nd place after his win on Saturday, while Rhys Rata has dropped back into 3rd place. Full leaderboard is available in the club rooms on the notice board.
Premier League
After the success of the Premier League earlier this year, we are running it again this Spring. The first round will commence on the first Saturday in October and run into December. Teams will again consist of 6 players, with the best 2 scores counting towards the teams total each week. New teams are welcome to join and existing teams may change any players also.
Stroud Trophy
We are currently missing some winner’s names for the Stroud Trophy, the years we are looking for are 2009 and 2014. If you know who may of won this event in these years, or possibly any information that may lead us to finding the names, could you please let us know.
Temporary Stakes & Ropes
This is just a courtesy reminder that stakes and ropes on the course are NOT to be moved to play your shot. They are to be treated as an immovable obstruction. If the stakes are in your line of sight, you may get relief as long as you are within 2 club lengths of the impeding stake. I know these can be a pain but they are essential to keep our course in the best condition possible, especially over the winter period. If you have any queries regarding rules, please don’t hesitate to contact me, I am more than happy to answer any questions.
That’s all for now and I’ll leave you with a quote from American Novelist John Updike.
“The golf swing is like a suitcase in which we are trying to pack one too many things in.”
Glenn Robinson
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