Published on 30th November 2022

New Online Booking System

Welcome to the new online booking portal. The new online booking system allows for 24/7 access to timesheets allowing for more access for members to make bookings and check existing bookings. The below information will walk you through how to book as well as navigate the system as a whole. Linked below are some member guides to help you get familiar with the system.

Making a Booking

To make a booking, click the “Bookings” option from the menu. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is zR4ue6lW3fJ5A6IRVIXBqjb78osk2lm-zg.png Click ‘Open’ on the event Click “Book Me” to book yourself into the timesheet. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is TEGOqfLAyuGrSwcj0wU49ORIfevBa8_Nhw.png To book a group, click the ‘Book Group’ button This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1nk9hXazKaxU46L8uSwnoD75FtwI9Z7h1A.png Use the “Find Player” search boxes to find the other players. Playing partners, guests/visitors and equipment can be booked using the lower buttons. Click “Confirm Booking” button to make the booking(s). This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 5BbvZv10S-D5sTWU5M8XemUkaxhy9zXfJA.png  

Filed under: Members, Uncategorized