First and foremost THANK YOU to our dedicated volunteers.
Our Club has quite a number of volunteers, some are visible and others are not, and they all do a fabulous job.
One group in particular is our dedicated Course volunteers, these guys can be seen around the Club mostly on a Tuesday and Friday. Working tirelessly to ensure Ryan and his team are assisted with the course being presented at its best. Hand mowing, weeding, removing obstacles, raking, and other jobs (too many to mention)
We have a number of members who gladly volunteer at different times, doing many diverse tasks.
Thanks to all volunteers. Our Club survived during the pandemic and continues to survive with the assistance provided by volunteers.
The Board has identified that by opening up our doors, increasing trading hours etc, we require more volunteers to get us through our peak period January – April.
We are looking to setup a Volunteer register.
By having a register we will be able to quickly identify members who are available, the area in which they would like to volunteer and their time of availability.
In peak periods the register will assist in sharing the workload. Listed below are a number of areas that have identified as requiring volunteers and the type of assistance that may be required.
Please note there are other areas that will require volunteers, so please should you wish to assist the Club in a volunteer capacity, whether is be on an as need’s capacity or in an ongoing role please list your name and details for the register.
When undertaking a volunteer role, please be aware you will be taking your work instructions/directions by a Club employee. This could be a Manager, or a delegated staff member, you will be informed at the start of any work being undertaken.
Should you have a RSA (Responsible Serving of Alcohol) certificate and would like to assist behind the bar please let us know. This would be on a as needs basis eg: large functions.
Note: The Club is preparing to open up for dinner on Friday nights, so if you were not dining on a particular night perhaps a couple of hours (6-8) may suit you.
Should you not have an RSA there is always fridges to be re stocked.
Currently the Pro Shop has recruited a small band of volunteers to man the shop, volunteering for a 4 hours shift (AM & PM) on a Monday on a rostered basis
These volunteers are currently being trained in the following areas,
Assisting and Serving customers, processing their payments, answering phone, cleaning carts upon return and placing them in the shed at day end, cleaning the shop.
An RSA ( Responsible Serving of Alcohol) can also assist with the sales.
Later in the year (during the winter months, when many of our Members travel) a couple more volunteers may be required.
Should you have an interest in assisting in this area later in the year, please register your interest.
Volunteering in the Kitchen / Functions area may include but not limited to:
Food preparation, waiter / waitress, table service, clearing of tables, stacking and unstacking dishes
With the number of functions on the increase this role could require an AM or PM time slot.
Note: Friday night meals are back and if we can run the night with some volunteers (more profit for the Club)
Function Setup
Our function rooms are required to be setup and upon completion taken down. There are two main areas in which volunteers can assist.
1. Where quite heavy tables need to taken out of storage and assembled. Chairs will also need to be moved and arranged at tables. This task may take up to 2 hours.
2. Tables need to set with cutlery, salt and pepper, glasses and trimmings. This also may take up to 2 hours.
Currently we have Kelley who assists in the office, half a day per week on Mondays.
Should you have the ability and desire to volunteer for some general office duties this could be for you.
Duties may include: filing, updating of current Process & Procedures ( this could be done off-site), answering phones, taking any queries and passing to the correct person for action, follow up calls to members.
Calling for a volunteer/s with mechanical expertise. Currently the Club is without a mechanic.
Should you have the expertise or know of someone able to voluntarily assist with maintenance or repairs of our course equipment, mowers ect
A few hours on an as needs basis would a real bonus for the Club.
Please click the below link to register your interest
Filed under: Members